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Saturday, March 5, 2011

" My Goals "

  •  To find appropriate solutions and better jobs for the beggars to prevent them from begging.

  •  To limit this phenomenon in all parts of the world and offset.

  •  To sensitize and educate the community to this category (beggars) and how to deal with it.

Who is responsible for poverty ?!

In each city or country there are beggars , for example chicago... What is the source of this phenomenon ? What makes some people rich and others poor ? There are many possibilities : drugs , alcohol , education government , etc. But the funamental of begging is three broad categories are :individual  society and govenment , for example of the individual , the person dosen't want to work and be passive , example of the society , some families inforce their children to stop going to school even tofind work to pay bills , and example of government , the government does not provide jobs fo the unemployed , so the unemployed phenomenon spread in the countries . That meanss there are many factors and we cannot twit any factor alone , we must bear this in mind .

Poverty in America

The problem with poverty is there is no way to make money out of it, if corporations figured out a way to make money out of it the streets would be empty, there would be no homelessness, greed.

" The beggars of India "

The beggars in India are everywere,celestial countries that have beggars . Every day in India tens of the population died because they are suffering fromthe poverty . Guilt of us living in comfort,while they have to stand begging braving the elements come rain or shine.For example there are many methods of begging in India,I will tell you one of them,one person go to villages and takes the children who do not have their parents   
 ( orphans) and cut their hands,legs or let the child sightless the he distribute them to begging and the children give that person the money. Good heavens !! The life is very difficult in India .. 
* Beggars imperfect energy and determination, depend on others for their livelihood .

Pakistani Stampede for Food Kills 18

That's a big shame and sadness that people still are this desperate for food in what is considered a developing nation. Maybe the recession will help cut food prices back to affordable prices for more people.

" Child Begging "

The more I see them,the mome sad I become . The children lost their rights,to life,health,nationality also education,thought
and religion,this is not all thing there are more but I can't put them becuase there are a lot of things that children beggars missed !

The street is their school ! They learn to go hungry for hours
they learn to eat whatever is shoved toward them they learn 
running after cars,they learn to protect and fend for   themselves This is their childhood!!